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Empowerment through Entrepreneurship: Rebuilding life after domestic abuse.

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12 week group coaching programme.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and emotional support needed to embark on their entrepreneurial journey after domestic abuse. They will have a solid business plan, a supportive network, and the resilience to overcome challenges along the way. Most importantly, they will have taken a significant step toward reclaiming their independence and building a brighter future.

I’m super excited to announce that my paid membership opens in June and the first month is FREE, yes you heard it here first, completely FREE.

It’s FREE because I want people to know that it is the right programme for them with no obligation to stay after the first month if it isn’t. So what have you got to lose.

During this period I will be BETA testing so that I can adjust the programme and tweak where necessary so that it supports the members in the best way possible.

“So, what do I get once inside the programme and who is it for?” I hear you ask?

Once inside we will support you with all the things below;

  • Working on Imposter Syndrome
  • Encouragement to say NO
  • Reduce procrastination
  • Effecting positive change
  • Encourage the development of your mindset
  • Increase teamwork, sharing and maturity
  • Integrates professional and personal development with performance
  • Develops leadership and speaking up
  • Builds and accelerates your learning capacity: shares ideas, goals, and aspirations.
  • Breaks down the need to people please
  • Fosters a culture of ongoing learning
  • Encourages peer consultation and collaboration
  • Optimises goal accomplishment at the personal, group, and business levels
  • Positively impacts in regaining your confidence and finding your purpose.
  1. Regular training on becoming trauma informed and regaining confidence to find your purpose.
  2. Monthly hot seat – one group member comes with an issue – the whole group gets involved and together we give feedback, support and ideas. 
  3. Monthly Review – last Wednesday of the month – 3 hour session looking at targets, goals and planning, offering support and guidance for the month ahead.

The first 20 ladies to sign up will get the reduced rate of £30/$40 per month usually priced at £50/$60.

With this you will get one hour a week group coaching from myself, and tons of free training for you to work on mindset growth and a copy of my book ‘Fix your Future’ which has a self-help section.

Here is the link to get on the wait list
You’ve got this, love Amanda x

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